Thanks for checking out our giving page. You can choose between one-time and monthly payments here:
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Why do we give?
We Give Because God gave His Son, Jesus.
The Bible says that God gave his only Son, Jesus, so that you and I would be saved. God's generosity towards us compels us to be generous in return.
We Give to Jesus.
We give to support the local church ministry, to help those around us in need, and to fund the great commission globally (Matthew 28:16-20).
We Give Through The Local Church.
Not only do we see a biblical model for giving between churches to support all three kinds of giving above, but when we give through local church we can also be sure that funds are being directed where they are intended to go.
Where should you give?
We encourage Christians to give their regular tithe where they fellowship, at the church they attend. Especially if they are regarded as members of that congregation. Over and above that we believe that we are to be generous and share with those in need, with family, and with other ministries that serve the Kingdom of Christ.
How much should you give?
There are no New Testament rules about how much to give. All we have is God's, but we encourage you to prayerfully consider what He want's you to give toward each ministry area: local church support, to help the needy, and toward the great commission globally.
We believe that a tithe, or 10% before tax (first fruits) is a very good place to start. That 10% is for the local church.
Christians are free to give to other ministries and needs they feel called to support, but this should be over and above their support to the local congregation.
Ways to give
Firebrand Church is registered as a non-profit organization in Washington State. We are also a 501(c)3 non-profit registered with the IRS. Recorded giving is tax deductible.
- Give on Sundays by dropping your gift in the collection box.
- Send checks to Firebrand:
Firebrand Church
684 6th Ave, Fox Island, WA, 98333 - Give online via PayPal or credit card. (click on the Donate button below)
You can Unsubscribe from an ongoing donation here.
Benefits of Online Giving:
It's simple, secure and convenient, you can also setup recurring payments.
Is online giving safe?
Yes. In many ways giving online is safer than writing a check. All processing and Privacy Compliance is done securely by PayPal.
How long do payments take to process?
Payments may take 3-5 business days to process, but often processes in as little as 24 hours.
What types of accounts can I give from?
You can give online from a PayPal account or any debit or credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, or Discover Card.
Are there online giving fees?
Yes, but not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. The church pays a nominal transaction fee.
If you have any further questions about online giving please don't hesitate to contact us.