During our Matthew series Alan took 4 Sunday to explore Matthew chapter 24. We have added the presentation to the audio for each of these as video sessions:
The first Sunday of February 2019 we will be starting a series on the book of Nehemiah.
February 1st to 3rd will be a church-wide Nehemiah fast and prayer for our nation, the USA. We will break our fast with a shared potluck-picnic at church on Sunday Feb 3rd, as we dive into this wonderful book of Reconciliation, Rubble Removal, and Rebuilding.
Nehemiah chapter 1 triggers a series of life changing events as Nehemiah, disturbed by what he sees, bows his head and fasts and prays. He worships God, He confesses the sins of the land, and he pleads for the grace and mercy of God, that He would once again bring His healing and defence for the nation.
We will be going slowly through Nehemiah as an instruction manual for successful discipleship.
We've just had a wonderful weekend of ministry with Marcus and Adele Herbert from Cornerstone, accompanied by Glenn van Rooyen. And this was on the back of a great session with Michael Heiser last weekend, I have uploaded Dr Heiser's sessions here.
I'd like to take a bit of time to summarize our weekend and to leave Marcus' notes on the website for those who would like a copy of his notes.
September 8th Dr Michael Heiser was with us and shared two sessions with us.
1. Cosmic Geography and 2. The Two Powers in Heaven
PowerPoint:Firebrand-Cosmic_Geography.pptx4.84 MB
Firebrand-God_as_Man_OT-shorter.pptx924.73 KB