Russ & Mary Doty Update 1/31/2018

Hello Dear Friends!

Here we are in Launceston, Tasmania! What a whirlwind! We left the USA on 

Launceston1Dec. 30th, and arrived in Melbourne on Jan. 1st.  We flew over the international dateline, missing New Year’s Eve (I have been insisting that we are just staying the same age for another year, but Russ isn’t buying into it).

Tomorrow is Feb. 1st (my birthday…which we are skipping due to aforementioned miracle) and in one month we have:

  • Purchased a car
  • Had time with (and said good-bye to) our Melbourne kids & grandkids

  • Opened bank accounts
  • Got insurance
  • Moved to Launceston
  • Met lots of new people (like Roger the postman & Wayne the violinist)
  • Found a house, after looking at manyLaunceston2
  • Got approval from the bank to loan us some $$$ to buy the house!!!
  • Began meeting with the core team for Redemption Hills Church
  • Have begun purchasing the “stuff” we need to meet on Sundays


    Got our initial website up and running (
  • Cried a few tears

  • Laughed a lot with Tim and Kate Oliver
  • Done a few community activities here in Launceston
  • Gone on a couple of scenic drives   etc… etc… etc


 Now we are working through all the legal stuff in purchasing a house here AND getting ready to have our first public meeting as a church on February 11th. We also are beginning to think about new flooring for the house we are buying…seeing if we can get it done before our container arrives. Oh! We are also going to the Aussie Equip in February, in Melbourne. WHEW!


THANK YOU for praying for us! THANK YOU for praying regarding a home for us. I feel like we are walking in many “Only God” moments. There is no way we could have found the exact car we were looking for, in the amount of time we had, but for Him. There is no way we could possibly have bought a house this quickly, but for Him. There is no way that there would already be people “ready to go” with Redemption Hills Church but for Him. We may only be a handful, but the presence of Jesus is so tangible when we gather. He is up to something really good.


 The recurring theme that has come up at least 4 times prophetically (through different people in various parts of the world!) is from Ezekiel 37: to say to the dry bones “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you will live…Prophesy to the breath, and say to the breath…’Come from the four winds… and breathe on these slain that they may live.’ So I prophesied and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” We are ‘camping’ around this passage…praying for those in this city who feel dry and cut off and alone. We are expecting a fresh wind from heaven to blow, for many to have fresh revelation of Jesus, for the thirsty to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, for an army to be raised up to partner with Jesus to reach the lost and see them restored to their heavenly Father.


How are WE doing?

Glad you asked (now I’m sounding like Russ!)

We’ve had days where unbidden tears have flowed (not just me, but Russ as well). The sorrow of leaving our friends and family is very real, and I suppose we are going through the stages of grief. Through it all, He is GOOD! We are gaining a greater revelation of Jesus and the price He paid to leave His heavenly Father to satisfy all righteousness, and to give us a future and a hope. We are gaining a greater revelation of the Comforter. AND we don’t cry all the time! We are rejoicing that we have the privilege of serving the Lord in a new capacity and a new region at our young age (seeing that we DID miss New Year’s and we ARE technically staying the same age!)

FacilityIn the midst of this we are enjoying seeing new places, finding our way around new city streets, falling in love with where God has placed us, and enjoying those with whom He has placed us.  All in all, it’s an incredible God adventure, with highs and lows.  I guess that’s a lot like life anywhere.  It’s possible and enjoyable in His grace. 

 Please pray for strength for us over the next month or so, as we have lots to do.  Pray for the grace of God as we continue to get settled, and grace for meeting lots of new people! Also for quick heart connections with the people He is adding to what He is doing here.  AND please pray with us for the Australian Equip, Feb. 14-16. 

With much love,

 Russ and Mary